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  • Humic acid capsules


Humic acid capsules

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120 capsules

An organic superfood with antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and nutritional properties. Salvita Humic acid combines the benefits of both humic acid and fulvic acid, and other essential organic phytonutrients, minerals, trace minerals, antioxidants and key electrolytes.

Clinical applications
  • Antiviral and antimicrobial properties, favouring growth of beneficial microbes
  • Detoxification and chelating heavy metals, such as mercury, lead and graphene oxide
  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal healing
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, such as ulcerative colitis, ulcers, diarrhoea, dysbiosis
  • Cardiovascular and vasodilating activities
  • Various skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis and acne
  • Anti-ageing – reduces wrinkles
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Radioprotective, protects against radiation damage
  • Growth and development
  • Energy and stamina
  • Allergy relief
  • Neurological symptoms, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Anaemia
  • Cancer support
  • Reduce infections in burn victims and support wound healing – topically and internally applied
  • Haemorrhagic fever
  • Improved body composition
  • Stress management
  • Immunomodulatory
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Anti-hypoxic by increasing oxygenation and circulation
  • Antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties.
  • Increases expression of antioxidant enzymes glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase.
  • Reactivity of humic acids has been attributed to the presence of phenolic and quinoid moieties, and they can behave as electron donors or acceptors, depending on the redox state of the system.
  • Rich source of various essential nutrients and increases absorption of nutrients, as well as digestion.
  • Various functional groups allow humic acid to form complexes/chelates with organic substances and cations, contributing to the ability to detoxify a wide range of toxins and heavy metals.
  • Humic acid inhibits degranulation of phagocytes, as well as the activation and/or release of cytokines and superoxide dismutase, and the migration and adhesion of inflammation-related cells to sites where allergic reactions and tissue damage take place.
  • Decreases C-reactive protein, the release of tumour necrosis factor alpha and inhibits nuclear factor kappa B activation, thus effectively controlling inflammation and various inflammatory diseases.
  • Humates attach to viral envelope protein, blocking its receptor sites, thus inhibiting infection and viral replication.
  • Humates increase the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells and improve blood circulation rate.
  • Humic acid’s anticarcinogenic properties can be ascribed to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimutagenic, heavy metal chelating, apoptotic and photo-protective properties.
  • Humates block or reduce the production of stress-causing hormones, thereby improving mental well-being and health.


Humates are the most versatile known natural substances. Without them, there would be no life.

What is humic acid?

Humates are an excellent source of mineral and organic compounds. Humates are heterogeneous natural biopolymers contained in plant-based substances derived from peat, brown coal and sediments, and are represented mostly by humic acids (HAs) and fulvic acids (FAs).

HA is a long chain molecule with a high molecular weight, and is insoluble in water at pH values lower than 3.  FA is a short chain molecule with a low molecular weight, and is soluble in water even at low pH values. FA is extracted from HA and the two compounds work synergistically.

HAs and FAs are hydrocarbons made up of an organic portion and an inorganic mineral portion. General properties of both HAs and FAs relate to their elemental constituents, namely carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and small amounts of sulfur and phosphorous, as well as oxygen-containing functional groups, such as hydroxyl, carboxyl, carbonyl, phenolic and quinones. These give rise to their general chemical properties, such as the ability to react with ionic particles in solution. HAs possess many active hydrogen bonding sites, making them very chemically reactive. The higher molecular weight of HAs relative to FAs affects solubility, carbon and oxygen content, pH, degree of polymerisation, and ion exchange capacity. The chameleon-like humates rapidly change their structures according to surrounding conditions, such as pH and the metals present. HAs can change their configuration up to 10,000,000,000,000 times per second. They therefore behave more like living creatures than inert substances. Just like snowflakes, it is impossible to find two humic molecules with the same structure. These amorphous aggregates cannot be defined by any single molecular structure, or, due to their molecular heterogeneity, even a set of structures; however, they do exhibit considerable uniformity when considered in terms of average properties.

HA has been used as a folk medicine in India and China for more than 3000 years, where it continues to be used extensively for treatment of inflammatory-related and ophthalmological diseases, hepatic and viral diseases and diseases of the gall bladder. It is also used to treat gastric ulcers, acute gastroenteritis, anaemia, hypercholesterolemia, dermatitis, psoriasis, cold stress, rheumatic pain, diabetes, kidney stones, heart ailments, leprosy, and immune system diseases 1,2. Owing to their numerous benefits, HAs were referred to as “Wujinsan”, meaning “golden medicine” in China.

Regarding the internal use of HAs, research indicated that it is particular useful in the treatment of diarrhoea, gastritis, stomach ulcers, dysentery, colitis, and diabetes mellitus. HAs have been reported in a number of studies to exhibit anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial properties. It has also been shown to exhibit anti-hypoxic, hepatoprotective, cardiovascular, and vasodilating activities. Humate has also been reported to be radioprotective in rats 1. Being rich in minerals which are easily assimilated in our body, they maintain growth and vigour, and have excellent anti-ageing properties.

Clinical application

Nutritional benefits

Modern farming practices have stripped the soil of humates and essential nutrients. With our top soils being depleted in HA, phytonutrients, micro- and macro-minerals, our food products are devoid of these essential nutrients, greatly impacting our health. HA and FA supplementation replaces the nutrients lacking in the modern diet. Furthermore, HA and FA complexes enhance mineral and trace element uptake and digestion, while supporting detoxification of toxic substances and heavy metals 3.

FA acts as a chelator that carries the minerals, while HA functions as a dilator increasing the cell wall permeability, which facilitates the transfer of minerals from blood to the bone and cells. Humic substances or their extracts are medically proven to cause rehabilitation of muscles, bones and nerves, and in dealing with geriatric disorders, such as arthritis, diabetes, allergic symptoms and dementia 4. Literature reports additional transport of iodine from foods into the thyroid gland and increased absorption of calcium and iron 3,5.

Detoxifying and chelating properties

Humic extracts are unique in their chelating ability. When taken orally, they provide a natural chelation therapy for removing toxins from the body. They attach to the toxins, such as heavy metals, pesticides, radioactive and nanoparticles, and environmental carcinogens. The toxins are thereby neutralised and their cellular absorption inhibited, consequently facilitating detoxification via urine, skin, lungs or in the stools. HAs were shown to be effective in removing botulinum neurotoxins in sub-lethal chronic botulism, and the removal of lead and cadmium 3,4.

The chelating ability of HAs and FAs are unique. The functional groups of HAs and FAs allow them to form complexes/chelates with organic substances and cations, such as Mg2+, Ca2+ and Fe2+, therefore regulating bioavailability of nutrient ions. They participate in ion exchange, undergo sorption on mineral surfaces, and participate in redox reactions. Dissociated, negatively charged groups can form ionic bonds with polyvalent metals resulting in the formation of different-sized complexes. When FAs chelate life sustaining minerals, they place an electric charge on them to form a chemical ‘phyto-state’, so that they are readily absorbed by the cell or organism. Toxic heavy metals are also chelated, but neutrally charged, thus preventing cellular absorption 3,4,6.

HA contains hydrophilic groups that impart remarkable abilities to regulate environmental behaviours and toxicity of nanomaterials. HA likely has the potential to significantly alter the nanotoxicity of graphene oxide in the environment and in vivo. HA proves to be a remarkable antidote to graphene oxide. HA has the potential to increase  the disordered structure and surface negative charges of graphene, thereby reducing its aggregation 7. Furthermore, decreased toxicity of graphene oxide in the presence of HA can be ascribed to the alleviation of oxidative damage, as well as mitigation of surface envelopment and accumulation of graphene oxide 8,9.  HA has the ability to reduce the interactions between GO and cell structures by regulating the morphology, structures and surface negative charges of GO. Chen et al. found that HA altered the uptake and deposition of GO and decreased the aggregation of GO in embryonic yolk cells and deep layer cells of zebrafish. Furthermore, HA mitigated the mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress induced by GO 10,11.

Chemically induced heart stoppage in frogs by using the drug strophantinum, was examined. Frogs that were given humate continuously for 10 days prior to the drug, prolonged the time of heart activity with 48.7% in comparison with the control group. Additionally, the protective property of humate was revealed when toxic doses of strychnine, which inhibits metabolism in the central nervous system, were administered to test mice. Of those mice given humate from 10 days prior to the strychnine treatment, 70% lived, while 100% of the control mice died 3.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Humic substances are known to exhibit excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties by neutralising free radicals. They are known to cure inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and colitis. Inside the cell, FA can uncouple the electron transport chain in liver mitochondria, which is associated with lowering reactive oxygen species production. The FA-rich compound, Shilajit, is known to reduce hyperglycaemia in diabetic animal models by increasing superoxide dismutase activity in pancreatic beta cells, thereby preventing free radical damage to these cells. This property, as shown in several hospital studies, stops the advancement and progression of diabetes, and assists in the treatment. With FA treatment, diabetic patients became more energetic and improvement in their neurological symptoms was observed 5.

The various anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and radioprotective effects of HA seem to be associated, at least in part, with their antioxidant and antiradical effects. HAs have proved effective in alleviating the adverse effects of lethal doses of irradiation. The neuroprotective effect of HAs on a cerebral ischemia rat model and gerbil Hippocampus, the therapeutic effects in renal ischemia reperfusion injury in rats, and protective effects in iron-induced hepatotoxicity and cardiotoxicity in rats, have been associated with their antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties. Administration of FA to rats for 4 weeks and fish for 60 days showed significant decrease in lipid peroxidation and increase in the expression of antioxidant enzymes glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase 4,5. The reactivity of HAs have been attributed to the presence of phenolic and quinoid moieties, and HAs can behave as electron donors or acceptors, depending on the redox state of the system. Thus, each HA macromolecule contains multiple antioxidant sites, a property that makes them very attractive from an environmental and biomedical point of view 1.

A recent study showed that FA can protect against homocysteine induced inflammation by targeting inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human monocytes. Furthermore, some studies demonstrated that FA could inhibit the aggregation of Tau fibrils associated with Alzheimer’s disease 4. The neuroprotective effects of HA administered intraperitoneally were described in a focal cerebral ischemia rat model, which might be due to its antioxidant properties. It was speculated that HA may be applied as a preventive agent in patients with a high risk of developing ischemia-induced brain injury and ischemic cardiomyopathy 2.

Humates show clinical benefits in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal healing.  Humates relieve swelling from joint inflammation, and have been shown to bond to collagen fibers to aid in repair of damaged tendons and bone. Tendon strength has been shown to increase by as much as 75% 3. It was shown that humates inhibit degranulation of phagocytes, as well as the activation and/or release of blood products associated with inflammation, such as cytokines and superoxide dismutase, and the migration and adhesion of inflammation-related cells to sites where allergic reactions and tissue damage take place. At high concentrations, FA also decreases the release of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and inhibits nuclear factor kappa B activation. Humate inhibited a delayed type hypersensitivity reaction in rats immunised with sheep red blood cells, a carrageenan-induced oedema and a graft-versus-host reaction in rat models, as well as a contact hypersensitivity reaction in rats sensitised with dinitrofluorobenzene. It was also found that immune-incompetent rats, induced with cyclophosphamide treatment in the graft-versus-host experiment, did not suffer from the normal associated weight loss when treated with humates, compared to rats treated with cyclophosphamide alone. Oral humates also showed positive results in patients with allergic rhinitis and osteoarthritis, with decreased levels of C-reactive protein observed 2,5.

Since inflammation plays a role during viral and bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases, cancer, allergies, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis and cardiovascular conditions, it is understandable that humates show benefits with all these conditions by effectively controlling the inflammation.

Immune support

Humic substances exert a beneficial effect on the immune system. Humates possess the ability to bind sugars and assemble them to form complex saccharides within the body, such as glycoproteins, which function as modulators of intercellular interactions. Glycoproteins bind to T cells and killer cells, keeping them in balance and thus, modulating the immune system. Excessive T cells may lead to development of auto-immune diseases, while excess killer cells can

attack bone and joints, causing arthritis. Medical studies have indicated that HAs prove more effective than several currently prescribed immune regulatory drugs. Studies on mice have reported strong humoral immune stimulation by HA and FA supplemented diets 3,5.

Burn victims and those with radiation sickness experience immune system responses that attack the bodies’ dead cells, increasing susceptibility to infections. Humates cause the immune system to recognise its own dead cells, thereby reducing infection. Baylor Medical School researched humates both topically applied and internally dosed for burn victims to reduce infections. Russian scientists are using the same principle for the treatment of radiation sickness. Sodium humate has been found to increase the lifespan of mongrel rats exposed to lethal doses of cobalt radiation 3. HA’s ability to modulate the body’s immune responses is one of the reasons it has been successful in treating and curing normally incurable diseases.

Antiviral properties

Antiviral properties of soil-derived humate materials have traditionally been known to humans and have been studied experimentally for decades. Exploration into the mechanism by which humic substances inhibit viral cytopathicity revealed that these substances attach to the viral envelope protein, thereby coating its receptor sites. This further disables the virus from being able to bind and infect host cells, thus combating viral replication. Their potential range of applications cover both naked and enveloped DNA viruses. Viral pathogens for which HAs have been found effective include rhinoviruses, Coxsackie virus A9, herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), influenza type A and B, cytomegalovirus (CMV) and vaccinia virus, as well as other respiratory tract infections. Excellent multimodal anti-HIV properties of humic substances have been demonstrated. Researchers are also currently exploring the potential of HAs against the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 3-5.

Blood properties

Presence of humate increases the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells and improves blood circulation rate. Improved rate of healing injuries might be linked to the extra content of oxygen in the body. FAs have shown improved rate of absorption of iron, making higher concentrations available to bone marrow stem cells for blood formation. Feeding animals a HA-rich diet has shown improvement in blood parameters, such as increased levels of total protein, globulin and insulin levels, while blood urea nitrogen, cholesterol, non-esterified free fatty acids and ketone body concentrations were reduced 3,5.  Treatment with humic extracts have shown noticeable results in treating patients with normally incurable epidemic haemorrhagic fever. The extracts exhibited instant results in arresting bleeding, restoring circulation rates, removal of clots, beside displaying anti-viral, and immunemodulatory properties 4.

Cancer research

Conventional anti-cancer therapies like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and surgical approaches for cancer treatment often result in adverse symptoms and recurrence of the tumours. During the procedures of cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy, large amounts of free radicals are generated, which also damage the normal cells surrounding the tumour cell. Hence, there has always been a need for development of cancer management approaches using non-toxic and natural products. The naturally occurring humic substances have known anticarcinogenic properties. Naturally-occurring humic substances have proven antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antimutagenic, heavy metal chelating, apoptotic and photo-protective properties. These properties make them useful agents for cancer therapy and prevention. Another plus point is that when taken orally, HAs have no reported side effects and can be administered as a nutritional and rejuvenating tonic as part of the daily patient regimen. Numerous hospital studies showed that humic substances have the power to protect against cancer and related cancer-causing viruses. It was found that humic extracts destroy cancer cells, as well as decrease cell proliferation and angiogenesis and thus, curb growth of the cancer. These positive results could be ascribed to the excellent free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties of humates. This antioxidant activity increases with increasing concentration of the humic extracts present in the compounds used in cancer therapy. The effect of FA on three cancer cells lines, namely Hep3B, HT29 and PC3, at different concentrations of FA, revealed that FA inhibited the proliferation of cancer cells, as well as upregulated the mRNA levels of apoptotic genes in all three cell lines. The cytotoxic effect of HA with arsenic trioxide on human cervical cancer cells, FA on hepatic cell lines and HA on human breast adenocarcinoma cells have been well documented 3,4.

Microbial activity and gut health

Sufficient evidence links imbalances in the gut microbiome with many inflammatory and bowel diseases. Humic substances promote microbial activity by favouring the growth of beneficial microbes in the gut and thus, enhance nutrient absorption. Increased microbial activity improves fermentation and digestibility of nutrients. Furthermore, HAs act as natural antibiotics, therefore promoting good microbes and inhibiting bad microbes. Species for which natural humic substances have been shown to be inhibitory include Candida albicans, Enterobacter cloacae, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Streptococcus pyogenes. It also has excellent antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties 3,4.

It was found that HA administered prophylactically to rats, reduced significantly the amount of gastric mucus damage induced with the application of ethanol. HA also significantly accelerated the healing process of experimentally induced ulcers 2,3.

It was discovered that using humates decreases volatile ammonia in animal waste by 64%, reduces odour, and improves the nitrogen to phosphorus ration in the waste. Observations from field trials on dairy animals indicate a more complete digestion of feed as observed from the manure and urine. A similar effect has been observed on hogs. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has also been reduced by the addition of humate to the animal food mix 3.

Overall growth rate and regeneration

Humic substances, with their miraculous anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, immunomodulatory, detoxifying, gut-promoting and nutritional properties, help to improve overall growth and development 4. The effect of HA on the regenerative response of liver tissue has been examined in rats that have undergone two-thirds hepatectomy. Long term application of HA resulted in the stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase, an increase in spermidine and histamine, as well as DNA and RNA levels, and in overall liver mass. HAs and FAs have been shown to stimulate respiration in rat liver mitochondria and increased the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria in vitro, particularly after contact periods of over 1 hour. Humates also takes an active part in liver metabolism, therefore liver function 3.

Body composition

It was demonstrated that dietary supplementation of FA significantly reduced mean back fat thickness of pigs, with significant increases in serum levels of low-density lipoprotein, leptin, growth hormone, insulin, and triiodothyronine 4.

Stress management

Humates block or reduce the production of stress causing hormones, thereby improving mental health and well-being. They found that humate-fed animals were less aggressive, least affected by external disturbances such as heavy crowds, traffic or during confinement in closed arenas. Humate supplementation in the diet ameliorated the adverse effects of increased caging density in hens. This effect has also been noted in farm animals and even fish 3,5.

Skin treatment and anti-ageing

Direct application of mud packs on skin, or as bath therapy, have shown successful results in treating painful body and skin ailments. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties of FA and HA extracts present in mud help combat symptoms and treat the condition effectively. The extracts are found safe when applied in amounts as high as 10 percent weight-by-volume. FA or humic extracts can be applied in the form of masks, bandages, bath therapy or mud packs, as in balneotherapy done in various spas around the world. These extracts are selectively absorbed via the skin and have a stimulatory response on the spontaneous contractile activity of smooth muscle tissue. Hospital studies have shown effective use of HA in baths or packs used externally for the treatment of hematoma, phlebitis, desmorrhexis, myogelosis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, osteoarthritis, and osteochondrosis, as well as skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, including ulcers, common cold or flu. Patients exhibited healing effects and were significantly relieved of pain and inflammation in a few sessions only 2.

When FA was applied topically to allergic individuals, it significantly reduced a wheel and flare reaction after intradermal allergen challenge, which was similar to that of hydrocortisone 2. It was demonstrated that topically applied FA can reduce the size of wounds infected with Staphylococcus aureus and other antibiotic-resistant pathogens, thus stopping the progression of the infection 12.

Anti-ageing properties are due to HA’s regenerating properties, replacing dead skins cells with new elastic cells, reducing wrinkles and black spots, as well as skin tumours.

Safety aspects

Humate is a safe material and exists in all soils, plants and animals. Industry has safely been using these products for detoxification from industrial exposure to toxic heavy metals in both humans and in animals. Various studies have been conducted on both animals and humans over several years to test the effectiveness and safety of HA and FA on various human diseases. It has been demonstrated that the no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) of FA from a 60-day study was determined to be the highest dose tested (5,000 mg/kg BW/day) 4. In the human clinical toxicity assessment study, FA is indicated to be safe in humans at a daily dosage of 1.8 g (equal to purified FA at 30 mg/BW/day). In a preclinical toxicity study, there was no adverse effect on the pups when pregnant female rats were orally administered with HA at 500 mg/kg BW/day for 1 month. HA is a safe, natural, active substance and largely nontoxic and nonteratogenic 2,4,13.

Scientists found that humate was harmless with respect to blood, the cardiovascular and endocrine system, and other vitally important organs when using patho-histological and histochemical methods. Humate does not cause allergic reactions or anaphylaxis (unexpected reactions) to other medicines; it is an apyrogen. Humate does not have embryo-toxic properties. Current repeat toxicity studies indicated total safety of HA at levels up to 1g/kg of body weight, whereas FA is safe in humans up to a daily dosage of 1.8g per adult 2,3.


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  7. Hu X, Mu L, Kang J, Lu K, Zhou R, Zhou Q. Humic Acid Acts as a Natural Antidote of Graphene by Regulating Nanomaterial Translocation and Metabolic Fluxes in Vivo. Environ Sci Technol. 2014/06/17 2014;48(12):6919-6927. doi:10.1021/es5012548
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  10. Chen Y, Ren C, Ouyang S, Hu X, Zhou Q. Mitigation in Multiple Effects of Graphene Oxide Toxicity in Zebrafish Embryogenesis Driven by Humic Acid. Environ Sci Technol. 2015/08/18 2015;49(16):10147-10154. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b02220
  11. Tang W, Zeng G, Gong J, et al. Impact of humic/fulvic acid on the removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions using nanomaterials: A review. Sci Total Environ. 2014;468-469:1014–1027. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.09.044
  12. Winkler J, Ghosh S. Therapeutic Potential of Fulvic Acid in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2018/09/10 2018;2018:5391014. doi:10.1155/2018/5391014
  13. Murbach TS, Glávits R, Endres JR, et al. A toxicological evaluation of a fulvic and humic acids preparation. Toxicology Reports. 2020;7:1242-1254. doi:10.1016/j.toxrep.2020.08.030

Serving size: 1 capsule
Servings: 60
Ingredients: 600 mg 100% potassium humate (humic and fulvic acids)
Other ingredients: gelatine capsules
Contains no colourants, fillers, gluten or preservatives

Adults and children older than 12 years:
Therapeutic dose – 2 capsules twice daily  
Maintenance dose – 1 capsule twice daily
Children age 5 to 12 years: half the adult dosage
Start with 1 capsule daily. Slowly increase to recommended dosage or as advised by your health care provider.
Consult your health care provider before taking any health supplements.
For maximum results, combine with MSM combo

Cautions and contraindications
Humic acid has a detoxification effect. Initially introduce the product slowly by starting with a low dosage. Slight detoxification takes place within the first three to four days of usage. An expected symptom is loose stools that should return to a more formed stool after the third or fourth day. The stools may also be darker or black in colour.
Humic acid may enhance or inhibit the uptake of certain drugs and should therefore not be taken within an hour of any medication.
However, since it enhances absorption of most nutrients, it is safe to combine with supplements.